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How to Run an ACF-SR Trial

Information provided by DSW Enterprises & Consulting

Protocols for trials of AdvancedAg - ACF - SR


  1. Control

  2. ACF SR 3 gal/A in furrow on seed potato at planting right on top of the seed, same applicator used for applying in furrow insecticides and or fungicides.

  3. ACF SR 3 foliar at row closure approximately 6 weeks post planting

  4. ACF SR 3 gals in-furrow on seed at planting, 2 gal/A top dress at row closure, approximately 6 weeks post planting.

  5. 2 gal/A foliar at row closure.

Sugar Beets

  1. Control

  2. 2 gal/A broadcast pre plant, post any field prep work

  3. AFC 2 gal/A in furrow

  4. AFC 2 gal/A in furrow, 2 gal/A foliar at 4th leaf

  5. 2 gal/A foliar at 4th leaf

  6. @ gal/A foliar 4th leaf, 2 gal/A foliar 4 weeks later.

Forage Crops. Alfalfa and timothy etc.

  1. Control

  2. 2 gal/A foliar within 1 week of first signs of early season regrowth

  3. 3 gal/A foliar within 1 week of first signs of early season regrowth

  4. 2 gal/A repeat 2,3,4 post cut and removal

Peas, Lentils, Wheat, Barley

  1. Control

  2. 2 gal/A in furrow with low salt starter

  3. 2 gal/A pre-plant

  4. 2 gal/A post emerge

  5. 2 gal/A preplant, 2 gal/A 4 weeks later.


Control is considered normal fertilizer, herbicide and fungicide applications in accordance with general local practices.


ACF can be applied post plant but prefer, pre plant so that equipment will throw soil on treated areas while planting. If timing could include just before a rain or quick irrigation that would help ACF SR to be washed in quickly but not totally necessary. A late day application is most favourable as the bacteria are sensitive to intense ultraviolet.

Application in combination with glyphosate is being studied. If you want more information on this, contact AdvancedAg Inc.

Harvesting Data collection

First and foremost, short weights and measures that accommodate side by side 700 - 800 foot strips that have been previewed on foot (helps avoid thin and thick area variabilities) and flagging it will generate the most accurate data. Because of the glacier topographical development of the prairies, the sub soil root zone is extremely variable and in the 1930’s there was a period that created even more variability due to wind erosion and deposits.

The ideal trial size is for 30-acre plot use. To be accurate, the crop must be weighed with either a good grain cart with a scale or a weigh wagon, which does not move between any measurements.

We can verify this as his weights and measures from 2019 corn trials with a combine map compared to a scale cart of short weights and measures did not even come close to each other. I’ve seen this time and time again over the course of many years.

I sometimes think - no data is better than bad/wrong data. One does not want to be caught up in making bad decisions made from bad data, on either side of the equation.

D. Scott Walker, OAC 83A U of G, CCA

Cell: 204-724-5706


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