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Beginners guide to ACF-SR

What is ACF-SR and why do you need it?

ACF-SR is a plant growth-promoting bacteria that utilizes five specific species of bacteria to improve soil and plant health.

The five species of bacteria and their functions are;

  1. Rhodopseudomonas palustris – fixes nitrogen

  2. Bacillus licheniformis – provides plant growth hormones

  3. Nitrosomonas Europaea – converts ammonia to plant-available nitrate and solubilizes phosphate

  4. Nitrobacter winogradskyi – converts nitrite to nitrate and locked up phosphate to water-soluble phosphate

  5. Bacillus subtillis – converts locked up phosphate to plant-available phosphate

These five functions aid the plants in making more efficient use of existing soil health, fertility and the synthetic fertilizers that are added. Other side-effects that our producers have reported seeing by using our microbes include;

  • Faster germination

  • Deeper, stronger root systems

  • Root nodulation

  • Tolerant to drought and extreme weather conditions

  • Resistant to plant stress and disease pressures

  • Enhanced flavour (Brix levels)

  • Greater biomass

The bacteria are active in the Rhizosphere around the roots to ensure optimal plant health. The benefits of the bacteria are that they work together to produce, rather than competing with each other (like many other bacteria-based products).

How are the bacteria applied?

The best application of ACF-SR is in-furrow, which places it directly into the soil. This allows easy access to nutrients to the roots and promotes plant health from the beginning of the seedling stage. The ACF-SR is placed in the soil using seeding equipment that has a liquid kit. Another common method used is through a sprayer application.

The bacteria do not like the sunlight and hot, dry conditions, so always spray heading into the evening.

The left side of the field had 2 gallons of ACF-SR applied as a seed treatment and was significantly ahead of the control side. Read more about this farmer's experience here.

Best Application and Results for Annual Crops

Overall soil health, alkalinity, and crop type can vary application rates. A general starting rate is 2 - 4 gallons per acre applied in-furrow and then again as a foliar application.

Cereals, Pulses & Oilseeds

The recommendation for applying ACF-SR to cereals, pulses, and oilseeds is twice per season. We suggest the first application at or near seeding with two gallons per acre. Apply again approximately four to six weeks after the first application, using the same rate of two gallons per acre. When using the sprayed-on method it should be done late in the day or evening, allowing the bacteria solution of two gallons per acre of product and eight gallons per acre of water to be fully absorbed. Depending on growing conditions, you can apply it again until the desired results are achieved.

Application Tips for Grass & Alfalfa

For grass and alfalfa, we recommend an application in the early spring of two gallons per acre of bacteria with 8 gallons per acre of water. The application is done during the active growth of springtime. The second application should be applied 4-5 days after the first cut at two gallons per acre with eight gallons of water per acre.

How is it made?

ACF-SR is created through a brewing process with our specialized BrewTus technology and is made up of two components – a dry and a liquid ingredient. Each brew kit requires 300 gallons of water to get the desired amounts of bacteria, and it takes 72 hours to brew one batch. To start the brewing process, a tank of water is heated up to 27 degrees. Once it reaches this temperature, the dry component goes in and is aerated for 48 hours. The liquid component is then added and is brewed for an extra 24 hours. After this is done, ACF-SR is ready to use!

We have dealers that are set up to brew, so farmers and ranchers can purchase the solution in bulk. Talk to one of our team members today to find a dealer near you or learn more about the benefits of incorporating plant growth-promoting bacteria into your current fertilizer program.

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